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In what language should I write my automation?

Of the three tools I mentioned in yesterday's email - Ansible, Terraform and Pulumi - I mostly use Pulumi these days for writing automation code.

Why? As someone who is already familiar with writing code in certain programming languages, I like that I can use those languages to also write automation, avoid learning a domain-specific language, and those existing approaches like functions and classes to make reusable components and resources.

I like that it supports a number of languages. I started with TypeScript but since watching a recent episode of the AltF4Stream, I'm looking at Python too. I've written Python before with Fabric and what you can achieve in Pulumi with a small amount of Python code is very impressive compared to other languages like Go and TypeScript.

If you prefer those other languages, why not give Pulumi a try with it?

- Oliver

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I'm an certified Drupal Triple Expert with 18 years of experience, a Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.