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Adding tests to the Content Access by Path module

Last month, I released the Beyond Blocks podcast episode where I spoke with Mark Conroy.

We spoke about a number of things, including the 'Content Access by Path' Drupal module he wrote, and I promised I'd write some automated tests for it as there weren't any at the time.

Yesterday on my Friday live stream, I installed the module and learnt how it works whilst writing some automated tests.

As is common, the first test took a little while to do as I got the setup steps working and learned how the module worked. Once that was passing, adding the others was fairly straight forward.

After the stream, I created an issue with a merge request to add the tests I wrote and enabling GitLab CI so they'll be automatically run for any other changes.

Hopefully, it'll be reviewed soon, but I've done what I promised, contributed to more open-source software, learned more about a new module and, hopefully, others will have learned things from the stream too.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to be notified of future live streams!

- Oliver

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About me

Picture of Oliver

I'm an Acquia-certified Drupal Triple Expert with 18 years of experience, a Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.