The Daily Drupaler
This is an archive of the 789 email messages I have sent to my daily mailing list since the 12th of August, 2022. Enjoy!
- 15th February 2025: Rebuilding Bootstrap with Tailwind CSS (and Sculpin)
- 14th February 2025: Drupalisms and de-jargoning Drupal
- 13th February 2025: Using readonly in PHP
- 12th February 2025: Small and fast
- 11th February 2025: Tidy then push
- 10th February 2025: Refactoring and Test-Driven Development
- 9th February 2025: Simpler code doesn't mean less code
- 8th February 2025: Writing more tests than production code
- 7th February 2025: Having less code than you started with
- 6th February 2025: How I work around legacy code
- 5th February 2025: Drupal and the Open Web
- 4th February 2025: Good software is easy to change
- 3rd February 2025: Good software is easy to test
- 2nd February 2025: What's the simplest solution?
- 1st February 2025: Don't use global dependencies
- 31st January 2025: Keep your PHP code up to date using Rector
- 30th January 2025: Your CI pipeline is your gatekeeper
- 29th January 2025: Make it work, then make it good
- 28th January 2025: Is it the application or implementation?
- 27th January 2025: Should you have a separate front-end for your Drupal website?
- 26th January 2025: Why I like Drupal's Layout Builder
- 25th January 2025: Why should you upgrade from Drupal 7?
- 24th January 2025: What and why
- 23rd January 2025: Who's Travis?
- 22nd January 2025: Why I use nixpkgs-unstable
- 21st January 2025: Making ddev reproducible
- 20th January 2025: Reproducible or repeatable
- 19th January 2025: Minimum viable development environment
- 18th January 2025: TypeScript for PHP
- 17th January 2025: Comments can lie. Code can't.