Here are my slides from my "What is Git Flow?" session at
DrupalCamp London.
Take aways
The main take aways are:
Git Flow adds various commands into Git to enhance its native functionality,
which creates a branching model to separate your stable production code from
your unstable development code.
Never commit directly to the master branch - this is for production code only!
You can commit directly to the develop branch, but this should be done
Use feature branches as much as possible - one per feature, user story or bug.
Commit early and often, and push to a remote often to encourage collaboration
as well as to provide a backup of your code.
You can use settings within services like GitHub and Bitbucket to only allow
certain users to push to the master and develop branches, and restrict other
Developers to only commit and push to feature branches. Changes can then be
committed and pushed, then reviewed as part of a peer code review, and merged
back into the develop branch.
If you've got any questions, please feel free to
tweet at me
or fill in the
evaluation form that you can complete on the DrupalCamp London website.
I've had some great feedback via Twitter:
@opdavies@DrupalCampLDN always had trouble with git. Your talk + Git flow has made it all very easy.
I'm an Acquia-certified Drupal Triple Expert with 18
years of experience, an open-source software maintainer and Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.