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PHP types and assertions

Following yesterday's email about input validation, guard clauses and assertion libraries, these can be used to compliment PHP's native types and checking.

For example:

function createJourney(string $from, string $to, int $duration): void {
  var_dump($from, $to, $duration);

In this code, each parameter has a type, but there's no validation on the values.

If I run this:

createJourney('', '', -10);

I would get this output:

string(0) ""
string(0) ""

This is probably not what you want.

I expect $to and $from to be not empty and the duration to be greater than zero.

Here's the thing

I can use an assertion library or throw my own Exceptions if the values pass the type checks but aren't what I need.

For example:

function createJourney(string $from, string $to, int $duration): void {

  var_dump($from, $to, $duration);

Now, if an empty string or negative duration is passed - in my implementation or test code - an Exception will be thrown.

- Oliver

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I'm an Acquia-certified Drupal Triple Expert with 18 years of experience, an open-source software maintainer and Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.