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What and why

There are two parts to a good commit message.

The first line summarises the change, but this can be seen by running git diff or git show.

The subsequent lines should describe why the change was needed, including any additional context, alternative approaches that were considered or tried, follow up steps, issues encountered or anything else that it would be useful to read if someone runs git log or git blame to look at the commit history.

If there was an issue with this code in the future, what information would be useful to know?

Why did you take this approach over a different one?

What error does this commit fix? Include the error message.

Who requested the change and why? What information can you include that you wouldn't want to lose if you changed your project management or issue tracking software? Don't just link to the issue or add the ticket number.

What other information and context did you know when you made the commit?

If anything changes in the future, you can make another commit and repeat the process.

- Oliver

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About me

Picture of Oliver

I'm an certified Drupal Triple Expert with 18 years of experience, a Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.