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Building static websites with Drupal

Over the last few days, I've written a few emails about static websites and static site generators before I speak about Sculpin at PHP Thames Valley.

They are easy to build and deploy and cheap to host.

As a PHP Developer, I use Sculpin as it uses Symfony components, is extendable by writing my own PHP code and uses Twig for templating.

As a Drupal Developer, I like the power of Drupal's out of the box functionality and additional modules like Pathauto and Redirect, but I'd like to deploy it as a static website for it to be faster and more secure.

Enter Tome, a Drupal module to create static websites.

You build the website the same as you would locally and export the content and files to a static website - the same you would generate with a static site generator like Sculpin or writing the files by hand.

Sam Mortenson (the creator of Tome) and I discussed it on episode 19 of the Beyond Blocks podcast.

So, if you like Drupal and the benefits of static sites, Tome may be a good solution for you.

- Oliver

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About me

Picture of Oliver

I'm an certified Drupal Triple Expert with 18 years of experience, a Drupal core contributor, public speaker, live streamer, and host of the Beyond Blocks podcast.